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Makara Sankranti - What's Your Goal?

Today is a special day! Yes, that’s right, - today is Makara Sankranti. Good to know you may think, but what for heaven's sake does it mean? Well, for starters, it indeed is connected to the heavens! Let’s find out what the power of this awesome day is, shall we?

It's about ime to accomplish your goals!
It's about ime to accomplish your goals!

In good old western tongue, we could just state that Makara Sankranti is the day on which the Sun (as seen from earth) moves from Sagittarius into Capricorn. Doesn’t sound very spectacular so far, unless you know about two additional things:

  1. What we call Capricorn is named Makara in Sanskrit, the language used to preserve the Indian Wisdom Lore.

  2. The timing of Makara Sankranti aligns with the natural power of nature’s annual new beginning, marked by the waxing influx of daily light.

What just looks like another day in the calendar, becomes a mystic moment for those knowledgeable in the world of the subtle (which is the cradle of our world of experience).

  • The Sun is the central star in our universe, the nub of our solar system, representing life, vitality and meaningful routines.

  • Makara is the name of a mystic sea-monster, which is half goat and half crocodile, connecting life-giving waters with mountainous peaks of highest inspiration.

When the Sun moves into Makara in the middle of January, the subtle energy unfolding is of such impact that our planet’s Northern hemisphere physically morphes from winter into spring in the weeks to follow. Imagine the power in need!

Already this amazing powerplay of subtle stimulation and the following gross manifestation of spring would be worth celebrating with awe and devotion, but there is more!

Sometimes we tend to forget that we are part of nature. Think about it! Naturally therefore this very transformational power of Makara Sankranti is available for each and everyone of us as well. Makara Sankranti is the crucial moment of the year for setting meaningful goals.

This goal-setting however is not just a lame statement, like promising betterment on New Year’s eve, just to continue the old ways on the following day. The goals set today, on the day of Makara Sankranti, differ in two ways:

  1. The goal setting is a conscious ritual

  2. The power fueling the promises of the goals is the incomparable power explained above

Now it’s time for you to get going!

  • Find a sweet spot in your environment during the upcoming hours.

  • Sit down and focus or go on an inspired walk.

  • Come up with three clearly defined and realistic goals, all of which take effort and ask for commitment.

  • Write down those three goals with nice handwriting

  • Close your eyes and reflect about each of the three goals.

  • Finally silently state each goal with your inner voice in ways you would make an oath.

  • Inwardly bow deep and appreciate the power of nature

Give others the same opportunity!

How many people do you know who are familiar with the power of Makara Sankranti? One or two of them would probably benefit from this annual ritual that has been tried and tested for thousands of years (!). Simply forward this email to the people you care about.

Want to learn more about the subtle power reflected by the planets and stars?

Consider studying Jyotisha, the astrology of the Indian subcontinent. You may wish to start with one out of the Smart Workshops Series, have a consultation, or join our comprehensive courses. Check it out!

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